News Flash


Tel: 01299 822002 fb
Email: [email protected]
Headteacher: Tracie Langfield

Elm Class

We are sorry that you are learning from home for now and hope that you find the paper home learning pack provided useful.

Your Teams online classroom is available here. Do use it to keep in touch with your class mates. 

Please make reading a priority whilst at home - you can read out loud together and on your own!

Talk4Writing have produced helpful reading into writing workbooks for each year group: Year 3A, Year 3BYear 4A, Year 4B.

You can access some great maths lessons here.

Please practise your Common Exception Word spellings. Spellingframe is a very useful website for practising spelling rules.

Mathsframe Year Three  Year Four  Please use the user name and password written in your homework diary.

Times Tables Rock Stars  Please use the user name and password written in your homework diary.

Top Marks KS2 has some great games to help you practise key skills.

Do keep up with Picture News Virtual Assembly - new every Friday.


The National Curriculum gives detailed advice about what is to be learnt at each age and stage.

Please remember to keep children safe online by monitoring the websites and apps they are using.

For more information: Thinkyouknow  Internet Matters  Parent Info  LGfL  Net Aware


Do let us know how you are getting on by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or posting on Teams.