Our aim is that Astley School provides a rich learning environment where all children thrive and grow.
We recognise that our children learn throughout every minute and interaction within the school day. Therefore we understand that our school curriculum is made up of many parts including our vision, values and ethos, Collective Worship, National Curriculum, Religious Education, break and lunchtime learning and the wider educational experiences on offer to pupils.
In designing our school curriculum we have considered the locality our pupils are growing up in and the world they are entering. We recognise that the pace of change is faster than ever before and the need to be creative and adaptive is key to future success. We understand that sound academic knowledge and skills remain important alongside the acquisition of effective social skills. As a staff we have identified the need for resilience as key for all of our children to succeed in the future.
By the time pupils leave Astley School we want them to be successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
We take every opportunity to set the academic learning within the context of real life learning. This includes taking our learning outside, engaging with the community around us and ensuring tasks have real purposes, as often as possible. This brings learning to life, ensuring it is transferrable and gives opportunity for social skills to develop alongside academic skills.
Please click on these links to learn more or make an appointment to speak to the Headteacher.
Even Year Curriculum overview Odd Year Curriculum overview Curriculum Offer Teaching and Learning Policy Feedback and Marking Policy Primary National Curriculum Early Years R.E.