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Headteacher: Tracie Langfield

'Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.' Matthew 5 V16


Maths is the study of number, shapes and the space in which they are contained (geometry), quantities (measurement) and data analysis (statistics).

At Astley C.E. Primary School, the Mathematics Curriculum is taught through the White Rose Scheme of Learning as a basis and then developed by the class teacher to meet the individual needs of our pupils. Each mathematical concept is taught using the CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract).  This ensures a good grounding in terms of fluency and understanding before the pupils are encouraged to apply their learning and deepen their knowledge through a variety of challenges. The pupils are encouraged to approach mathematical problems with courage and to respect one another’s ideas as they develop their mathematical understanding. Our Calculation Policy ensures that a consistent approach across the school supports each pupil to achieve their best.

The curriculum is divided into different concepts which include: place value, the four number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), fractions, geometry (including shape and position and direction), measurement, statistics and algebra. Our broad and balanced curriculum enables pupils to access these areas to increase their fluency but also encourages them to make links across the different mathematical areas. Our skills and knowledge progression shows how each mathematical concept is built upon each year. By the time pupils leave Astley School we want them to be successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens who have a lifelong passion for maths.